The response to the first issue of has been encouraging.
The task now is to consider: how can this newsletter benefit drivers, passengers, and/or others? What kind of information would help drivers? What would be of interest to passengers, or others? I welcome your thoughts about those questions. (My notes about possibilities are at
The answers may influence the format of the newsletter. Options include: 1) Just doing a one-page handout with links to online articles and lists of resources; 2) Two different editions, one for drivers and the other for passengers.
In addition to considerable informal feedback, the following comments have been submitted on the website:
This newsletter is a light in a very dark world, putting forth more than just information; rather, we find understanding with regard to the taxi industry. I do think this newsletter well crosses boundaries and needs to be read in other cities of the United States, but let us start with San Francisco. Taxi Talk may just bring the taxi industry more customers.
–Herman Haluza, Editor, Transportation Perception
Thank you, Wade, great piece.
A spelling error you make here is of Kate Toran, not Kate Tolan
An excellent summarization of our current state of affairs with San Francisco’s taxi industry. Your keen insight and sound advice should be a must read for any professional taxi driver. Looking forward to your next posting.
–Hansu Kim, Desoto/Flywheel President
Very articulate writing. Thanks, Wade.
–Carl Macmurdo, President, Medallion Holders Association
Saw your newsletter and was quite impressed.
–Mark Gruberg, SF Taxi Workers Alliance
Congrats! Very good but too long.
–Mike Larsen, Literary Agent
Drivers at Yellow Cab are taking copies of the newsletter left at the dispatch window, where a sign reads: “Please consider: 1) Give to passengers. 2) Give $1 or more to [the dispatcher] for Wade to make more copies.” Yesterday, the first day that sign was posted, it elicited $13 in donations, which is good. Previously, $210, including two $100 donations, had been contributed. Expenses to date equal $155. Small invoices for the website and listserv are outstanding. A frequently updated financial report is viewable by the public at
My primary goal is to raise money to cover operating costs. I plan to continue to work on this project pro bono about 15 hours a week.
As of 10/28, the website had received 301 views. Many of those views were prompted by posts on Twitter spontaneously tweeted by a number of individuals, including Kelly Dessaint, SF Examiner columnist, with whom I am communicating. Sixteen individuals have subscribed to the TaxiTalk,info Announce email list. Recently, several more people have signed the Limit “Ride-Sharing” Cars petition, bringing the total to 103. The passengers to whom I’ve given the newsletter have been very interested and supportive.
Those responses motivate me to persist with I hope to develop a presence on Twitter and Facebook soon and build connections with people in other cities.
Early next year, I’d like to help convene a series of public events, such as Passenger Appreciation Days and forums with guest speakers, including public officials. The overall theme of the forums could be “The Future of Taxis,” with a more specific topic each time. Do you have ideas for topics?
I’m working on a statement that presents my underlying philosophy and hope to circulate it for review and comment soon, before including it in the next newsletter. That piece is intended to provide food for thought. Space for contrary opinions will be provided in future issues.
Currently titled “Reforming the Industry,” it presents a comprehensive plan for inter-related structural changes and specific projects. Many of the ideas presented are rooted in the principles that John Carver presented in his landmark book, Boards That Make a Difference.
I’m very open to working in a collaborative manner. Ideally, I’d like to eventually develop a team of co-editors, perhaps taking turns with responsibility for the final edit if and when we face a deadline.
In the meantime, I welcome your assistance. Help with graphic design would be appreciated, for example. Do you have photos or graphics to contribute? Other ideas?
To subscribe to a digital copy of the newsletter and receive it via email, visit
Likely no more than a few times a week, I’ll post to the TaxiTalk Announce email list: 1) reports on my efforts; 2) requests for feedback, advice, and help, and; 3) general taxi-related information. To subscribe to that list, visit or ask me to subscribe you.
Steven Hill, author of RAW DEAL: How the “Uber Economy” and Runaway Capitalism Are Screwing American Workers, will be reading from his book:
- Mon., Nov. 16, 6:00 PM, Mechanics’ Institute Library, 57 Post, Suite 407, SF;
- Tues., Nov. 17, 6:30 PM, Diesel Bookstore, 5433 College, Oakland;
- Wed., Nov. 18, 7:00 PM; Books Inc, 2251 Chestnut, SF;
- Thurs., Dec. 3, 6:00 PM, Book Passage, 1 Ferry Building, SF.
Wade Hudson,
Publisher and Editor