Suspending Wade’s Wire

Dear From Wade Subscribers:

I’m suspending this list. However, I will be sending occasional notices to Wade’s Friends. If you did not receive the following Wade’s Friends email recently and want me to subscribe you to this list, please reply YES to this post. If you did receive it, I apologize for the cross-posting.



Dear Friends

In recent weeks, dialogues with associates and reading Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death have prompted significant changes in my beliefs about the Compassionate Humanity Community website.

Accordingly, I’ve rewritten the Preface, which articulates my motives, and modified the homepage.

I no longer propose replacing the “Top-Down System” with a “Bottom-Up System.” Instead, I propose steadily reforming “the System” to make our society more compassionate, just, and democratic.

I use “would” and “could” to describe possibilities rather than a more ambitious vision imagined in the present tense.

Nevertheless, I still advocate a pragmatic idealism that affirms ideals as goals while accepting that we’ll never fully achieve them.

With the new Preface, I peel away surplus language and express my core beliefs.

I believe this worldview fills a void; it presents unique proposals for action.

The new Preface and homepage aren’t perfect. I’ll constantly improve them and the rest of the site and would greatly appreciate your assistance.

So please read the Preface and leave a public comment using the form at the bottom of the page.


Wade Lee Hudson

Take care, comrades,