Evolutionary Transformation, Systemopedia Principles
Should Work Be Passion, or Duty?, Firmin DeBrabander
Become America: Civic Sermons on Love, Responsibility, and Democracy (2019), Eric Liu
Identity Politics and Social Movements, Wade Lee Hudson
Politicians, Movements, and Democracy, Wade Lee Hudson
Systemic/Advocacy: Helena
Transforming the Democratic Party, Wade Lee Hudson
Reviving the American Working Class, New York Times Editorial Board
Community Dialogs, Wade Lee Hudson
Purple Alliances, Wade Lee Hudson
Holistic Support Groups: A Global Network, Wade Lee Hudson
Racism and Support for Trump, Wade Lee Hudson
We Aren’t Seeing White Support for Trump for What It Is, Thomas B. Edsall
Monthly Archives: September 2019
From “Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy”
By Adam Gopnik
The New Yorker, 9/2/2018
If there is to be a lesson taken from the literature of espionage, it is that the surfaces we see generally have the greatest significance, and the most obvious-seeming truths about other countries’ plans and motives are usually more predictive than the sharpest guesses at hidden ones. A corollary of this truth is that the best way to project power is not to do wrong secretly but to do good openly. How intelligent is national intelligence? Why, exactly as smart as we are. It’s a terrifying thought.