The following is the latest draft of an email that I plan to circulate widely soon. Your comments are welcome.
SUBJECT: What Next, Bernie?
To Whomever It May Concern:
You are invited to send me your ideas for “An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders” that begins:
Dear Bernie,
I urge you to make the following speech describing further steps we can take to promote the “political revolution,” whether or not you receive the nomination.
I’ll post those proposed speeches at LINK and invite everyone who’s interested to discuss what to do with them. Possibilities include:
- Ranking or rating the proposals.
- Rewriting one or more proposals.
- Posting a petition in support of one or more proposals.
- Publishing a booklet prior to the June California primary that includes one or more proposals and, perhaps, additional commentary.
The deadline for submissions is April 25, 2016. Please send submissions to <wadeATwadehudsonDOTnet>.
Wade Hudson