What demands might spark a national nonviolent movement? Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, and Nelson Mandela focused on compelling issues that appealed to the self-interest of certain populations while making moral appeals to others. Are similar concerns at hand now? And how can activists support one another in their self-development? What decision-making processes might be most effective?
Those questions will be on my mind when I participate in the June 26-29 Holistic Movement Building Workshop led by Kazu Haga and Sonya Shah. The workshop description states:
“Power without love is reckless and abusive, while love without power is sentimental and anemic.” Dr. King, Gandhi, Chavez and others envisioned a movement that harnesses the power to change policies and institutions while cultivating the love it will take to transform relationships.
What does it mean to build holistic movements for justice and healing? How do we build a movement grounded in love without giving up the power and the urgency of now? How do we dismantle systems of oppression without replicating those same patterns in our own relationships? How do we heal our wounds while transforming the systems that perpetuate them? How do we better cultivate the relationship between inner and outer transformation? What do holistic movements for justice and healing look like in terms of real practice and on the ground?
This workshop will engage these questions, explore past and current movements, and envision paradigms and practices to build more holistic movements grounded in both justice and healing. This four-day inquiry will interweave theory, discussion, experiential exercises, and a collaborative approach.
This workshop is part of the California Institute for Integral Studies’ Summer Institute, “On the Cutting Edge of Justice and Healing.”
Sonya recently reported to the registrants:
The workshop has a mixture of CIIS graduate students, undergraduate students and people from across the U.S. and abroad engaged in community based work. We hope this provides a rich container for growth, and engaging in the subject matter.
And Kazu posted:
Still time to apply! Really excited about the upcoming Holistic Movement Building, a four-day workshop with myself and Sonya Shah!!! Scholarships are still available. Hope to see you there!!!
Sonya Shah is Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies. With 20 years of experience in social justice education, she has been a facilitator of restorative justice processes in her family, community, schools and prison settings for nine years. She has trained hundreds of facilitators in trauma healing and a restorative modality, and helped communities design their own group healing processes nationally.
Kazu Haga is a Kingian Nonviolence trainer based in Oakland, California. Born in Japan in 1980, he has been involved in many social change movements since he was 17. He conducts regular trainings with youth, incarcerated populations and activists and is the founder and coordinator of East Point Peace Academy,
With the wealth of their experience, I trust they will guide us through a fruitful, four-day workshop. The registration fee is $425. Scholarships are available.
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