Following is the latest draft of the Systemopedia’s core Principles. I want this statement of principles to be as brief as possible, while also including essential points. Your feedback is welcome.
The Systemopedia is based on these principles:
— Our institutions, our culture, and ourselves as individuals are woven together into a global, self-perpetuating social system, “the System.” Everything is connected.
— The System’s primary purpose is to encourage everyone to climb social ladders, look down on those below, and look up to those above.
— The System teaches individuals, organizations, and nations to dominate or submit — by accumulating status, wealth, and/or power at the expense of others. It cultivates envy, resentment and disrespect, and undermines self-empowerment and mutual support.
— Individuals reinforce the System when they are excessively selfish, materialistic, domineering, individualistic, and/or competitive.
— Transforming the System will involve establishing a new purpose of our global society, such as: to serve the common good of all humanity, the environment, and life itself.
— Massive, nonviolent, grassroots movements focused on achievable objectives can help achieve that goal.
— Face-to-face communities whose members set aside time to support each other with unlearning oppressive conditioning and nurturing self-improvement can help grow those movements.
— Improving national policies is critical. With healthy patriotism, each nation can focus on its own interests while cooperating with other nations to help each other do the same.
— Transformation in one country alone is difficult if not impossible. “Americans for Humanity” offers an example of how to move toward global transformation.
— We can respect legitimate authority, honor our highest ideals and best traditions, recognize everyone’s dignity and humanity, and learn how to more profoundly:
— respect ourselves and each other;
— oppose efforts to dominate others due to one of their identities;
— nurture partnerships;
— appreciate the awesome beauty of the Creation and the power of the Creator, and;
— cultivate humility and acknowledge mistakes.
— When the government has created or reinforced social, racial, or economic injustice, we can use the government to reverse those actions and establish fairness.
— We can avoid scapegoating and demonizing. No one element controls the System. We are all responsible.
— With evolutionary revolution, we can build on the best qualities of the current system and eventually transform it — that is, implement structural reforms that change its appearance and character.
— Reforms undertaken within the framework of a clear commitment to principles such as these can contribute to long-lasting systemic transformation, but work that is only focused on the compassionate reform of one element of the System can also be helpful.
One Response to The Systemopedia’s Principles (7/28/19 Draft)