My Story: Peer-to-Peer Community (Part One), Wade Lee Hudson
My first organizing was on sandlot softball fields. Boys would show up and two “captains” took turns selecting teammates, assigned positions, and set the batting order. Two of the better players, which usually included me, served as captain, but anyone could do it, and many often did. There were no arguments about this decision. Each captain was dispensable. The players weren’t dependent on a leader. Little did I realize that this simple, horizontal, self-regulating, self-perpetuating, peer-to-peer structure would become a community organizing model for the rest of my life — though, alas, I followed it imperfectly….
Citizen University Sermons, Wade Lee Hudson
Eric Liu’s latest book, Become America: Civic Sermons on Love, Responsibility, and Democracy, is eloquent and inspiring. His exhortations to be engaged in civic activism, beyond voting, are compelling. In the end, however, he comes up short. He neglects the need for new, holistic structures that nurture an energizing cultural environment….
Soteria (psychiatric treatment), wikipedia
Soteria is a community service that provides a space for people experiencing mental distress or crisis. Based on a recovery model, common elements of the Soteria approach include primarily non-medical staffing; preserving resident’s personal power, social networks, and communal responsibilities; finding meaning in the subjective experience of psychosis by “being with” clients; and no or minimal use of antipsychotic medication (with any medication taken from a position of choice and without coercion).
Soteria is a community service that provides a space for people experiencing mental distress or crisis. Based on a recovery model, common elements of the Soteria approach include primarily non-medical staffing; preserving resident’s personal power, social networks, and communal responsibilities; finding meaning in the subjective experience of psychosis by “being with” clients; and no or minimal use of antipsychotic medication (with any medication taken from a position of choice and without coercion).
Interventions to Prevent Psychosis, Jane E. Brody
An impending psychotic break can be identified and prevented if it is recognized early and appropriate steps are taken to head it off.
What Ails the Right Isn’t (Just) Racism, Conor Friedersdorf
An authoritarian fear of difference best explains the intolerance sweeping the Republican Party.
Building a “Full-Stack Society” with “New Power,” Wade Lee Hudson
Process is important. So is product. Advocates for democracy who focus on mobilizing popular power can forget that the tyranny of the majority is a real threat. New Power: How Power Works in Our Hyperconnected World — and How to Make It Work for You by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms acknowledges this reality, and offers a solution….
New Power: How Power Works in Our Hyperconnected World—and How to Make It Work for You, 2018, Jeremy Heiman & Henry Timms
(see review)
When a group of workers at the video-game maker Riot Games staged a three-hour walkout in May over the company’s handling of sex discrimination accusations, they had help from a labor organizer named Emma Kinema. Ms. Kinema doesn’t work for a union, but she is part of a grass-roots wave of labor activism, filling voids where traditional unions lack a presence.