Simone Weil: An Endless Seeing

An Endless Seeing (behind paywall), The New York Review of Books, January 13, 2022, Jacqueline Rose.

“Simone Weil’s political and moral vision always looked beyond her own earthly sphere of existence… Absence of joy, she suggested, is the ‘equivalent of madness.’… To revolt against God because of human misery is to misrepresent God as a ‘sovereign’ or tyrant who rules the world, as opposed to a deity who has laid down his power. It falls on humans to create a better world… A truer reality beyond and above this world…can be recognized only by those who bear equal respect to all human beings…whoever they may be. Marguerite Porete…had the nerve to enter a zone of absolute spiritual daring in which the self or ego dissolves… It would take some time before (Weil) herself would embrace such a radical disorientation of the ego as the only possible spiritual and psychic path to take. ‘What we believe to be our self [moi], she wrote, is as ‘fugitive’ as ‘the shape of a wave on the sea.’ (read more, behind paywall). Posted on Americans for Humanity in Personal/Spirituality.

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