Now that I’ve modified the Compassionate Humanity Community (CHC) homepage and completed a good first draft of the Preface, Introduction, and opening essays for the seven chapters — Systemic, Social, Personal, Cultural, Economic, Environmental, Political — I’m reviving these more-or-less daily Wade’s Wire posts, the monthly Mutual Empowerment newsletter, and the more-or-less weekly From Wade listserv. I plan to send reports on my CHC work to these lists.
I’d greatly appreciate your feedback, input, and words of support.
If you unsubscribe, no problem, especially if you subscribe to more than one list. Most people get too many emails.
I also plan to post frequently to “Wade’s Public Journal,” on which you can comment by clicking the + icon (Ctrl+Alt+M).
And I plan to invite the some 50 celebrants of my 80th birthday an invitation to subscribe to a “Wade’s Friends” listserv to build on the energy generated at the party by enabling subscribers to share reports on their creative, political, and/or personal activities — and see reports from others. It seems party participants are engaged in many interesting pursuits. Myself, I plan to post to this list reports on my personal experiences, since I’ll be posting about my CHC work on the other lists. If you want me to subscribe you to this list, please let me know.