Three Questions

  1. In 25 words or less, what’s wrong with the world?
  2. In 25 words or less, why is this the case?
  3. In 25 words or less, what can we do about it?

Unless you ask me not to, I’ll post your answers on “Three Questions” and identify you as the author (unless you post your response there).

Wade Lee Hudson, Editor
Website – a digital book
Wade’s Wire – daily reports on website edits
FromWade – weekly highlights of Wade’s Wire posts
Mutual Empowerment – monthly highlights of FromWade posts
Wade’s Public Journal – thoughts, feelings, actions
Wade’s Friends – horizontal sharing of personal experiences

People talking without speaking/People hearing without listening
-Paul Simon
I really do believe that we can all become better than we are. I know we can. But the price is enormous, and people are not yet willing to pay it.
–James Baldwin
Human beings will naturally seek distractions rather than confront their thoughts in moments of solitude and quiet because those thoughts will eventually lead them to consider unpleasant matters such as their mortality, the vanity of their endeavors, and the general frailty of the human condition.
–L,M. Sacasas
It is good to be able to relate to the world in a manner that evokes and engages the various dimensions of our human personhood — embodied, imaginative, intellectual, emotional, moral, spiritual, etc. — particularly in relationship with others.
-L. M. Sacasas


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