Following is the first draft of a pledge that participants in “holistic growth support groups” might embrace and use to guide their work together. My thought is that if a sizable number of such groups were to form and affiliate with one another in an informal network, it could be the foundation for a deep sense of community.
This proposal is a simplification of ideas I’ve articulated previously. As such, it may be more user-friendly. The terminology is provisional and subject to revision.
If such groups were to form, occasional regional and national gatherings of participants could be convened. Participants from different groups could also share reports with one another via the Internet. Reports from and interviews with participants could provide content for a book and a documentary.
I welcome your feedback. If this proposal is amended, the latest draft will always be posted at this URL.
Holistic Growth Pledge (3/23/14 Draft)
To help nurture a more nonviolent and compassionate world, I pledge:
1. Day-by-day I will try to become a better human being.
2. For at least two hours each month, I will try to help change one or more public policies.
3. At least once a month, I will gather with at least two close friends who sign this pledge to:
• share a meal,
• socialize informally,
• enjoy each other’s company, and
• engage for at least 90 minutes in a soulful conversation during which we speak from the heart openly and honestly about our efforts to fulfill this pledge.
4 Responses to Proposed: A Holistic Community Network (3/24/14 Draft)