Social Media “Buddies”

Dad O'Rourke's 5-26.13

To most effectively utilize the 15 minutes a day that I budget for using Facebook and Twitter, I’m seeking to establish “share buddies” on Facebook and “RT buddies” on Twitter.

On Facebook, I’m telling my Friends that I will share at least one of their posts each week if they will do the same with mine. I’ll then make those who make that promise a “Close Friend” and will look at my Close Friends’ activity first when I go on Facebook.

On Twitter, I’m posting a link to a Wade’s Wire article about this plan and tweeting “Reply YES to be my RT buddy? For more info: see [link].” I’ll add Followers who do reply YES to a List and look at their tweets first when I go on Twitter.

As much as I can, I’ll still look at content individuals other than my “buddies” post. But it’s impossible to look at everything and I’m already flooded with information from multiple sources, so I’m experimenting with this way to prioritize my time on Facebook and Twitter.

Take care,